

My name is Käthe and I did my art education training at the Art University in Linz, Austria. Currently, I am living in the UK with my husband and three children.

I love drawing, painting, sewing, felting, printing, pottery, cooking, using computer programmes (like Photoshop, Autocad, Adobe Premiere,..) to make something visual –  in fact, I would like to do all of that and more to perfection. But sadly one lifetime is not enough for my endeavours and so I procrastinated for a long time, because I couldn’t decide on what to do properly. 

I started to train in Autocad, because I thought a “drafter” would be the ideal job for me, as I always loved Architecture and interior design (I remember I always drew houses in Kindergarten or built houses with Lego which should fit all the Duplo furniture in, I also spent nearly all my childhood playing with my self-made Dollhouses (farms) and producing endlessly mini-crafts for that).  

So I drafted technical drawings for a while for the local council and I really loved the exactness and the repetitiveness but I soon realized that this is not enough to make the world more beautiful. I found in myself the urge to help and to share more and more and one day (or was it a long time in coming?) I had the epiphany, as I was attending an “Archimentors summit” that maybe all in all the best way to help is still to teach what I have learned (and still researching)  to others so they can be better and more confident. (Daa! You might think, why didn’t she do that in the first place, as she is trained in art education. The answer is simply: I couldn’t see myself teaching in what I really believe in, if I have to deal with giving marks and having to deal with 100 other things than the subjects true intent). 

So what is it I am offering to everybody (above 10): A kind of weekly, one+ hour drawing Bootcamp where we discover in a small group or individually (if you prefer) the foundations of everything visual together.

I truly believe the foundations of visual arts will benefit everybody – in short: drawing makes you cleverer, more creative and more emphatic. And who wouldn’t want that?

I am looking forward to meet you.



Making everyone happy with learning how to observe and draw this beautiful world we are living in, but also making people aware what is not right and helping them to find solutions how to make it better, in establishing a faster broadband within our brain (lateral thinking) through drawing.


Shiny happy people 🙂 and healthy, aesthetically pleasing surroundings.
